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Why a Global Union?

Workers Uniting brings together Unite, the biggest union in the UK and Ireland, with the United Steelworkers, the largest industrial union in North America. Here are four reasons why this partnership is critical.

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    The economy is globalizing. From Brussels to Beijing, decisions about our economy are increasingly made far from home. A global union can provide us a voice in those decisions.

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    Politics is globalizing. Right wing politicians are using the same vicious tactics to undermine our livelihoods in the UK as they are in the U.S. and Canada. A global union can help us support progressive politics on both sides of the Atlantic.

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    Our employers are globalizing. A couple decades ago, only a few of our employers operated in more than one country. Now, nearly all of them do. A global union can help us stand up to our employers wherever they operate.

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    The movement is globalizing. Whether it’s standing up for fair trade or fighting back against bank bailouts, progressive groups are mobilizing and uniting everywhere. A global union can helps us join them in the fight for a better world.

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